Build your best Geodatabase today - for free!
Compliant with industry standards, data error warnings, transparent data engine, custom formulas possible, export to AGS, impressive visualisations with free templates.
Your data is yours forever: freedom in data storage and residency.
✓ No credit card needed ✓ Full control on data storage ✓ Your data remains yours, forever
Trusted worldwide by geotech engineers for 15,000+ projects at
GeoDin® supplies cutting-edge geodata management software for geotechnical engineers to create robust geodatabases and visualize what's beneath the ground.
How geotechnical engineers benefit from GeoDin®
Peace of mind
Building a solid geodata set is hard. Determining the data quality, the cut off point for data collection and eliminating anomalities: GeoDin® is here to help you with that.
Freed up agenda
Wouldn't it be nice if building that geodata set could be done in less time? GeoDin® helps to create a very effective workflow, saving time and resources.
Custom models - by you and GeoDin
As an engineer, you always have new ideas for improvements. GeoDin® is not a black box. We enable you to customize our models so you can create the very best model.
GeoDin® enables a wide range of geotechnical and environmental projects
Wind farm geotech investigation
Infrastructure geotech investigation
Urban information systems
Environmental investigation
Water monitoring
Land reclamation
Tunnel monitoring
Landslides solutions
See how GeoDin® works: get to insightful reports in 10 steps

Insert your collected data with trust
1. Choose your Compliance Standard
2. Add subsurface layers and depth
3. Select ground type and properties
4. See the borehole representation

Control your data processing workflow
5. Choose the data-type
(e.g., water content test)
6. Add parameters
7. Get calculated target fields

Visualize and present your data & insights
8. Create your map
9. Link objects, queries or groups
10. Customize report templates
(e.g., Geotechnical Log)
Numbers that make us proud
Geotechnical Projects
With a legacy of 29 years, GeoDin® has emerged as the preferred solution for geotechnical analysis among Industrial Companies, Universities, and Government Agencies, with more than 15000 projects benefiting from its expertise.
Borehole logs
>2 Million
The more you sample, the more you know. GeoDin® users have included over 2 Million borehole logs, including logs for well construction, water, environment, hydrogeology, mining, tunneling and ground investigation.
Geo-Data Standards
Use your dataset with confidence by complying to the requested data standards. We support ASTM, BS 5930, DIN 4022/23, DIN 4943, DIN EN ISO 14688/89, DIN EN ISO 22475, SEP1 / SEP 3, KA 5, GOST, NEN and ÖNORM.
Geo-Data Languages
Directly translate locally collected data into the language spoken by the international team, while keeping the geo-data standard (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Turkish).
How companies - big and small - use GeoDin® for geo projects

USA | Port of Virginia land reclamation at Craney Island
Largest port expansion in the U.S. using GeoDin®
- Database from a wide range of sensors
- Automated import of multiple format sensor files and MATLAB results
- Automated geo-monitoring with instant alert system for data anomalies
- Data types for direct & derived parameters
- Continuous data modeling to predict settlement and guide fill placements

Germany | Berlin Water Management
Water levels managed at all times with GeoDin®
- Over 163k boreholes, 12k monitoring wells, and 13 million water samples
- Integrated GIS, offering one-stop solution for analyses and graphics
- Quick & easy search by address, coordinates and measuring point
- Centralized data types: administrative, measuring point, development, (hydro)geological and chemical analyses
- Various interpolation methods for real-time water level insights
*The Senate Department also uses GeoDin for geothermal energy, groundwater flora, geotopes, soil science and monitoring of contaminated sites

Germany | Climate neutrality goals | national power line
Geodata on 700km underline cables' installation managed in GeoDin®
- Geodata management for all companies involved in planning session
(e.g. Tennet, Amprion, Transnet BW, 50hertz) - Geotechnical survey, groundwater monitoring and soil assessment data
- Compliance to German public authority standards
- 37 groundwater monitoring wells with cross-section structural model
- Soil assessment data collected in the field via mobile app

Australia | Perth's Passenger Railway Tunnels
GeoDin® on critical railway tunnel construction surveillance
- 24-7 remote monitoring of twin concrete-lined tunnels
- 32k daily measurements with automated data collection and processing
- Measurements from all instruments and suppliers centralized in GeoDin
- Automated triggers for real-time environmental changes
- Series of data quality tests before written to the database
- Online portal to manage, analyze, and present data & reports
See what experts from Arcadis and Arup are saying
"My personal favorite feature is the customizable grid view for measurement data. GeoDin® is an ideal combination of client-server software with all advantages of a typical multi-user database solution and a high-specialized software for our subject matter experts." - Frank Dünkel, Head of Digital Solutions, Arcadis

"The visualization and presentation of the data is very much appreciated. We quickly got the hang of the drag & drop functionality: we just visually create what we have in mind.”

"I am really surprised to see GeoDin® process so many different geodata file types. And when we do stumble upon a file that is not yet supported, the team quickly assists and makes it possible to integrate it too."
"It can be hard to determine the cut-off point of data analysis; when is the database good enough? Using GeoDin® greatly helps with this due to the internal quality check of the data, and the visualization of it."